Carnival season is finally here! 🙂

This one of a kind time of the year, is when you get to dress up in crazy colorful costumes, party, dance and have lots of fun!

Here in the HAEi youngsters’ community, we like to celebrate and enjoy life every chance we get! For this reason, with the awesome help of the HAEi, we created something special: HAE inspired masks for you to wear at the Carnival! How cool is that?

With that being said, you can go ahead and print out the masks and wear them when attending a Carnival party!

Most importantly, we’d love to see you post a photo of you wearing the mask on your Instagram story or comment on our Facebook post! With your post, we can party from all over the world 🎉

Click on the masque you like to download and print a template. The last ‘white’ masque is a pdf with die cuts of all masques if you want to color it yourself.